Restart Youth Advisers Learning

This draft report was prepared for Blagrave Trust by Mary Mulvey-Oates. Interviews were conducted in June and July 2021, as part of an MSc Dissertation using a multiple case study approach to investigate factors that enable meaningful participation of young people in...

Our Learning Journey Three Years On (2018-2021)

We commissioned a review of our work collated by independent consultant Jenny Ross based on individual interviews as well as a group learning session with 12 young people, to provide an overview of Blagrave’s learning journey over the last three years. It focuses...

Do I Hear You?

As part of The Listening Fund, we commissioned Nusrat Faizullah to look at funders’ listening practices in England and Scotland – providing insight into who they engage with and how, and identifying where improvement is needed.

The Story of The Blagrave Trust (1981-2018)

We commissioned a review of our work by Richard Hopgood and Ben Cairns, based on interviews and desk research carried out by the authors and by Houda Davis and Christopher Mills, to narrate our history, with a particular focus on our recent evolution, what has been...

Listening for Change

We collaborated with the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation to research the relationships between funders and social purpose organisations. The report asks fundamental questions about how funders and the voluntary sector needs to build relationships of trust and evolve the...