The growing climate emergency is a serious threat to our mission to enable young people to make a positive transition to adult life. We want to play a part in addressing the causes of climate change and supporting adaptation to its effects.
The scale of the climate threat, and the scale of the solutions needed, means that this is an issue for all parts of civil society, and for all charitable foundations. Young people are also showing some of the boldest and most effective leadership in their demands for radical action.
We want to ensure that everyone has access to opportunities arising from the transition to a low carbon economy, and to ensure that the costs are not disproportionately borne by those who are least able to pay.
Therefore we are pleased to be a founding signatory to the Funder Commitment on Climate Change This provides a framework and a growing community within which trusts and foundations can review their impact across their activities and investments and take action accordingly. We have begun this process and will update our website with decisions and actions as we take them.