Our policies and commitments
Due Diligence Policy
Due Diligence Policy
Due Diligence Policy
Grant making is a judgement that balances considerations between benefit and risk, to identify partnerships in line with our strategic priorities. We undertake due diligence on all our potential funding partners to understand and evaluate the main risks our partners are facing so we can help mitigate them (if we are the right people to do so); to evaluate the risks to Blagrave in funding, and to fulfil our duties for diligent grant making as required by the Charity Commission. Read our approach to due diligence here:
Policy on Paying for Freelance Work
Policy on Paying for Freelance Work
Policy on Paying for Freelance Work
This policy outlines how we pay people and organisations who provide professional services on a freelance contract at Blagrave. It applies to all individuals or registered companies on freelance contract, for example, advisers, facilitators, consultants, learning partners and speakers at our events. This policy also lays out the rates we pay for different types of service providers, and how we arrived at the set amounts.
Conflicts of Interest Policy
Conflicts of Interest Policy
At Blagrave, we aim to be a transparent and fair organisation. We value lived experience alongside learned ‘professional’ experience. We strive towards being equitable by addressing how we can support team members to bring their whole selves in to their work as advisers, consultants, staff and Trustees, and this includes bringing their passion and insight. We balance this alongside our legal obligation to act in the best interests of the Trust, and in accordance with our governing document, and we carefully manage situations where there might be a conflict of interest.
Safer Recruitment Policy
Safer Recruitment Policy
2025 Safer Recruitment Policy
Our commitment to safer recruitment and the use of background checks, including DBS checks, reflects our dedication to creating a safe environment for all.
We aim to balance the need for safety with the principles of fairness, respect, and inclusivity. We encourage applicants to engage with the process openly and without fear, knowing that their information will be handled confidentially and that decisions will be made with sensitivity and careful consideration of their individual circumstances.
For more information, contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead, Valeria Tavares at valeria@blagravetrust.org.
Responding to a Concern about a Child’s Welfare
Responding to a Concern about a Child’s Welfare
We have a responsibility to promote the welfare of children and young people and keep them safe. As The Trust doesn’t work directly with children, this procedure mainly applies to grant partners who are directly working with children and are operating under Blagrave’s safeguarding arrangements as a condition of their funding.
Responding to a Safeguarding Concern about an Adults at Risk
Responding to a Safeguarding Concern about an Adults at Risk
This procedure aims to provide clear guidance on how to report concerns about the safety of an adult that may be directly or indirectly impacted by our work. This procedure applies to anyone working on behalf of The Trust, including senior managers, trustees, employees, volunteers, freelance contractors, and grant partners who sit under our safeguarding arrangements.
Whistleblowing Policy
Whistleblowing Policy
We are committed to the highest standards of openness, probity and accountability. An important aspect of accountability and transparency is a mechanism to enable staff and other people associated with the Trust to voice concerns in a responsible and effective manner. Where an individual discovers information which they believe shows serious malpractice or wrongdoing within the organisation then this information should be disclosed internally without fear of reprisal, and there should be arrangements to enable this to be done independently of line management (although in relatively minor instances the line manager would be the appropriate person to be told).
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy
At The Blagrave Trust we are dedicated to fostering a fair and just society. We view young people as powerful forces for change and are committed to creating inclusive spaces where their voices and leadership drive meaningful impact. This policy outlines our approach to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), going beyond compliance to set best practices that reflect our mission and values.
Safeguarding and Promoting the Wellbeing of Children and Adults Policy
Safeguarding and Promoting the Wellbeing of Children and Adults Policy
The purpose of this policy is:
- To keep safe from harm, abuse and exploitation children and adults who are engaged in activity delivered by, or in partnership with, the Blagrave Trust, or by grant partners funded by The Blagrave Trust.
- To promote the wellbeing of children and adults who are engaged in activity delivered by, or in partnership with the Blagrave Trust or by or by partners funded by The Blagrave Trust.
- To promote the welfare and keep safe from harm all staff who work on behalf of Blagrave.
- To provide all those who work for or on behalf of the Trust with the overarching principles that underpin the Trust’s approach to Safeguarding.
This Policy applies to all employees, trustees, freelancers, advisers, or anyone else working or volunteering on behalf of the Trust; regardless of whether they work directly with children or adults at risk.
Investments Policy
Investments Policy
Investment Policy
Blagrave holds investments in both property and financial markets. We believe we should use all of our resources, including our investments, in pursuit of our mission. As a result, in recent years we have moved approximately two-thirds of our investments to be held with Cazenove Capital and Rathbone Greenbank Investments. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a key lens through which both funds are assessed, and investment decisions categorised to ensure they are Avoiding harm, Benefiting society and Contributing to solutions.
As part of our commitment to ethical investing, in 2020 we launched the ‘ESG olympics’ with Friends Provident Foundation and the Joffe Charitable Trust, to identify the exemplar investors in this space. Following an open tender process Cazenove was selected and have launched the Casenove Sustainable Growth Fund. You can read more about the process here and the resulting report about the state of the sector of ESG here.
Our investment policy sets out our aspirations to ensure we apply our values across all our work.
Anti-Fraud, Bribery and Corruption Policy
Anti-Fraud, Bribery and Corruption Policy
The Blagrave Trust has a zero-tolerance stance towards fraud, bribery and corruption. The Trust requires all those receiving funding or representing the Trust, including its suppliers, grant recipients, partners, contractors, advisers, volunteers and agents, to act in accordance with our Fraud policy.
Privacy and Data Protection Policy
Privacy and Data Protection Policy
Your privacy is important, and we will not do anything to violate your trust. We collect information about visits to this site anonymously so that it cannot be associated with a particular user.
Complaints Policy
Complaints Policy
Complaints Policy
As a progressive funder we see it as essential we take an anti oppressive approach, treat everyone fairly, and practice transparency so that we can be held to account. We therefore take any complaints we receive very seriously.
You can use this policy to contact us if you think Blagrave has done something wrong, not provided a good enough service, or made a mistake.
Safer Recruitment Policy
Safer Recruitment Policy
2025 Safer Recruitment Policy
Our commitment to safer recruitment and the use of background checks, including DBS checks, reflects our dedication to creating a safe environment for all.
We aim to balance the need for safety with the principles of fairness, respect, and inclusivity. We encourage applicants to engage with the process openly and without fear, knowing that their information will be handled confidentially and that decisions will be made with sensitivity and careful consideration of their individual circumstances.
For more information, contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead, Valeria Tavares at valeria@blagravetrust.org.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy
At The Blagrave Trust we are dedicated to fostering a fair and just society. We view young people as powerful forces for change and are committed to creating inclusive spaces where their voices and leadership drive meaningful impact. This policy outlines our approach to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), going beyond compliance to set best practices that reflect our mission and values.
Commitment to transparency – How Blagrave works with advisers
Commitment to transparency – How Blagrave works with advisers
In line with our value of transparency, this document lays out how we work with advisers, how and how much we pay advisers. It also shares how we arrived at our decisions.
Commitment to Safeguarding (Due Diligence)
Commitment to Safeguarding (Due Diligence)
A strong safeguarding culture is essential to all that work with children and adults at risk. We are committed to ensuring we do this safely through robust checks and sharing good practice.
Climate Commitment
Climate Commitment
Climate Commitment
Blagrave signed the funder commitment to climate change in November 2019. We review and publish our progress annually against our commitment. We are also one of 24 leading asset owners, calling on the asset management industry to adopt minimum standards in support of the Paris Agreement objective to keep global warming well below 2°C and preferably 1.5°C – the level considered ‘safe’ by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
Commitment to Partners
Commitment to Partners
Commitments To Partners
Our commitments statement sets out our commitment to our partners. It is a key mechanism for accountability in our work, and we welcome your comments and feedback.
Living Wage Funder Commitment
Living Wage Funder Commitment
We are a Living Wage Funder – that means that we are committed to both paying the Living Wage ourselves and supporting and enabling our charity partners to do the same.
Youth Engagement and Leadership Commitment
Youth Engagement and Leadership Commitment
We’re currently reviewing Youth engagement and leaderships to ensure our policies remain up to date and we continue to centre young people in all that we do. Watch this space…
Commitment to transparency – How Blagrave works with advisers
Commitment to transparency – How Blagrave works with advisers
In line with our value of transparency, this document lays out how we work with advisers, how and how much we pay advisers. It also shares how we arrived at our decisions.
Living Wage Funder Commitment
Living Wage Funder Commitment
We are a Living Wage Funder – that means that we are committed to both paying the Living Wage ourselves and supporting and enabling our charity partners to do the same.